关于这款游戏 BUDDY is a horror adventure based on a little girl Mary’s story nightmare. The protagonist of the game is a cat which tries to get out the girl of the world of fears and nightmares created by her. On the way he finds story’s parts of girl’s real-life which are closely bound up with nightmares from her childhood. Features: • Unique art style • Unpredictable plot • Atmospheric music • Horror theme filled with mystery • Three endings Will you able to distinguish the real story from the girl’s fantasy? Controls: Keyboard: ‘Ctrl’ – Pull/Push/Action ‘W’ or ‘UP’ – Jump Gamepad: A – Pull/Push/Action X – Jump

系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统: Windows XP or later 内存: 1 GB RAM 存储空间: 需要 950 MB 可用空间

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