关于这款游戏Play (or Re-play) This Classic Dungeon Crawler!
During the golden days of action RPGs, FATE was a powerhouse, winning runner-up for PC Magazine’s Role-Playing Game of the year. Popular enough to spawn 3 sequels, this was one of the premier dungeon crawlers of its time. Now is your chance to enter the legendary town of Grove and experience the original for yourself!
Hello, traveler. Journey to the outskirts, where the Old Wood meets the Dungeon Gate. Battle vicious creatures, collect unique weaponry, learn powerful spells and glory will be yours.
Rise and test your worth! Step forward and determine Your FATE!
- NEW Steam Trading Cards – Fans of old (and fans of new) can enjoy this never-before-seen art!
- NEW Steam Badges – 6 levels for you to collect, hoard and show off.
- NEW Steam Emoticons – Oh, you’re old school all right, throw a little FATE into your chat to prove it.
- NEW Profile Backgrounds – FATE up your profile with these beautiful works of art made especially for Steam players.
- Gameplay – It’s quick, immersive and classic.
- Procedurally generated levels – Explore limitless caverns, dungeons, mines and tunnels. What will you find?
- Economy – Buy and sell items… or try your luck with shopkeeper!
- Pet – Choose a dog or cat and evolve it into more and more powerful creatures. Rawr.
- Street Cred – Up your gamer street cred by playing this classic game and show those hipsters what for!
- 操作系统 *: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 or 8
- 处理器: 800 MHz PC or Better
- 内存: 512 MB RAM
- 显卡: 16 MB 3D Graphics Accelerator
- DirectX 版本: 8.0
- 存储空间: 需要 400 MB 可用空间
- * 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。
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